Originally Posted by LordEden
My big thing on raw diets is the why, no more than that. I just can't wrap my brain around someone not wanting to cook their food. Not in a no-meat way, just a "why limit yourself to raw foods" way. I just don't understand it, but that's all there is to it. I understand not eating meat, just eating raw throws me into a "Duh.... What?" state of mind.
(Not to get too sidetracked...)
The proponents of raw food look at food on the enzyme level, etc., and suggest that raw foods are more nutritious on the principle that our bodies will get more nutrients from them because of said enzymes. Cooking destroys things, they say, which is true to a large extent but not universally. Many foods have better properties when cooked. Tomatoes are one, especially when cooked with a bit of fat. Lycopene'd!
Where I draw the line is raw dairy and meat (though I do loves me some sashimi now and again). That gets a bit iffy with me.
Generally the theories regarding raw food are hit and miss, but I do think there are a lot of hits.