Originally Posted by LordEden
The only veggie he has bashed in recent years is Woody Harrelson for his "raw only" diet (as relating to his trip to a Vietnamese temple where he turned down all foods based on his diet). He sees it as rude to a host (mainly in 3rd world countries) not to eat the precious food given to the guest because of a dietary concern.
I read your rant about raw food recently. Have you actually read about the principles behind it? Some of it is somewhat flaky, but other parts make sense. I think eating a larger proportion of our food as raw would be a good idea, but a lot of food is just begging to be cooked.
What Harrelson did was disrespectful considering his diet is based on his belief from a materialistic view, rather than a moral or spiritual (I think---I'm not sure raw food proponents go beyond the molecular in their beliefs).
The thing I always say about being a guest is that even Buddha ate meat if it was served to him. The only exception was that the meat should not have been killed specifically for him, i.e., in his honour.
There are also ascetic Buddhist monks who live only by the compassion of others through alms. If these alms include meat, they will eat it just the same.