At work, about a dozen or so, a few more on the phone, plus a little idle chit-chat with people at the grocery, meat market, or on the T. Sometimes I visit with the woman who rents the other half of my duplex, or my next door neighbor, who sometimes dismounts the T at the stop/time as I do. My Sig Other is finally back from Sweden,

so I interact with him.
When I hit the road, I may go a couple of days and interact with no one except waitresses, hotel desk folks, and gas/convenience store clerks. Pay-at-the-pump even cuts that down.
Online, there's TFP, TalkBass, and a few financial/investment analysis sites, couple of dozen emails to answer, many just a few words of acknowledgement. I've never liked online chat. It just feels stilted and awkward, and I've haven't been able to get into u, ur, prolly, and other text-isms. Well, maybe an occasional lol or wtf!