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Old 04-22-2011, 10:08 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: Yonder
Originally Posted by jewels View Post
It angers me, scares the shit out of me and breaks my heart at the same time.
Me too.

Originally Posted by Jinn View Post
Notwithstanding the obvious xenophobia actually going on in France, I support the banning of any attire that completely obscures the face of an individual who is using public transportation, assembling in public (even peaceably), using a public thoroughfare or attempting to make a purchase.
Sounds like pre-crime.

Originally Posted by Jinn View Post
I am just as uncomfortable by a man in a ski mask entering a 7-11 as I am by a woman in a Niqab or Burqa walking down the street.
Let the business owner restrict it if they wish. Banning masks won't stop criminals from wearing them when comitting other crimes.

Originally Posted by StanT View Post
I'd be fine with a law written terms of recognition or identity, not so fine with one written in terms of a religious garment.
If someone isn't being arrested, detained or investigated for a crime, why do they need to be identified, categorized, registered, labeled and documented? What does it accomplish?

Originally Posted by mixedmedia View Post
I didn't realize that it was illegal to wear a ski mask in a convenience store. Even when it's cold? Of course, it probably wouldn't be practical or comfortable to wear a ski mask in a convenience store, but then again there are no religious complications restricting someone from removing their ski mask in a convenience store, either, so to leave it on might appear, at the least, odd. Nor am I certain that the mandatory exposure of one's face makes us more secure. After all, there are other reasons that a person might be uncomfortable exposing their face in public - burn victims and those with various deformities, for instance. I don't think the two, the ski mask and the burkha, are necessarily relative at all.
I agree.

Originally Posted by GreyWolf View Post
As well, when there are legitimate safety concerns, such as when driving a car, facial coverings have to go.
What safety? People ride motorcycles everyday with helmets that completely obscure their face. Massive sunglasses and brimmed hats are fashionable with many young women nowadays; tons of women wear makeup or change their hairstyle (even wearing wigs) to alter their appearance. Hooded sweatshirts, bandages, Halloween masks, are all common sights. Should we dispatch teams of cops to tug on mens whiskers to make sure that they're real, and not in place for the purposes of disguise?

Originally Posted by GreyWolf View Post
I know the arguments that the niqab/burqa represent the repression of women, but you won't eliminate that through legislation.
Ain't that the truth.
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