Thread: The "gay voice"
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:07 PM   #30 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Sheepy View Post
This video has a go a explaining it

( Though warning: It sneaks some stereotypical anti Christian propaganda in there)
I appreciate the the cartoon explanation...
I would like to say that I believe those conversion ministries are a huge load of can't make someone change if they dont have the will to do it themselves (which is why they're pointless). And that whole thing about sons turning out more gay if you have a lot of sons? My grandpa came from a family of 12 siblings (no joke) and none of them are gay or feminine at all, or overly macho for that matter. According to science, humans are why is it so far fetched that an animal can have free will? Just because they're not exactly like us, it doesn't mean they have stupid robot minds. Dogs go around wanting to hump and have sex with people and couches don't they? Lions can have multiple mates and multiple children (and male lions can kill off the offspring that doesn't belong to them) right? I mean, animals kill eachother and eat other animals. What the hay, let's all behave like our fellow Earth creatures!

Is there a difference between nature and behavior? Is there a separation between what something is and how something acts?
Why is no one answering my questions directly? Give me scientific articles or something that I can read. Everyone knows that hormones affect a person's behavior or their bodies to some extent (like steroids, stuff found in bith control pills, PMS hormones, testosterone, estrogen, etc.) but no amount of hormones is going to mutate or alter you DNA or chromosomes, right? I can PMS all I want, so it's okay for me to act like a jerk because I was born that way? What I want to know is do hormones change/mutate/alter a person's DNA or chromosomes?

Supposedly, the point of life is to be free, so what is freedom to you all? Does being free apply to your thoughts or your actions? Why is it so wrong that we can choose who we want to have sex with? Why is it so dangerous to say that we have the choice to act on our emotions? How are our emotions justified? I'm angry and I feel like hitting someone. I'm sad and I feel like cutting myself. I'm lusting, and I feel like caressing and sexualy fantasizing. I'm jealous, so I want my spiteful revenge. I'm craving, so I'm going to eat a whole cake. Can we even control our emotions? Is love an emotion? Is love free? Are we forced to love? Do we even know the difference between love and lust anymore? Answer me!
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