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Old 04-21-2011, 12:58 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by KirStang View Post
Okay, so you've touched on the point of government action versus private action. I'm also asking this in an international context (not in the tradition of American cases).

Say for example, a country is adamantly secular--that religion has absolutely nothing to do in the public eye. If all worshipping should be done behind close doors, what gives someone the right to couch their actions in religious terms and splay it in the face of other secularists?
I would think they are free to wear whatever they like as long as yamulkes are not banned, all Hasidic Jewish attire, too, for that matter. Christians who wear crosses or any sort of jewelry, t-shirts, patches, etc. that symbolize their religion. Nuns, priests and monks - not in public in France, no way. The Dalai Lama, that man better don a turtleneck and beret before showing his face in Paris, right? Enough of that saffron robe business. And how about bindis? Those signify a religion. If I had the wherewithal, I'm sure I could go on.

My opinion is that the 'adamantly secular society' rationale is utter bullshit. I mean, if they don't want women to wear burqas, then just say so. The French government are the only ones 'couching and (di)splaying' anything in this situation if you ask me.
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Last edited by mixedmedia; 04-21-2011 at 02:01 PM.. Reason: critical word 'not' missing.
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