Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
All this tells me is that I don't think I know what it feels like to be happy, even in a clinical sense. I know "happiness" has lots of idealism attached to it but is clinical happiness what most people have? I think that since it's been so long that I've normalized my depression.
Dear Anonymous:
I am editing this because I did not read all of the thread so I am just going to delete a lot of my text because it seems like you have been down this road quite a while and have tried a lot of things.
I have suffered from depression most of my life. I drank and smoked marijuana for a large portion of it to deal with the depression. Then I got sober and went quietly insane. No one would have ever guessed, or ever guess, that I know exactly how I would kill myself, planned down to the most minute detail.
The darkness sucks out your soul and any small degree of joy one might have is way beyond your grasp or imagination.