Originally Posted by EventHorizon
why not just give everyone in prison lollypops and goose-down pillows on the off chance that one of them is innocent? why bother having prisons? one of them might be innocent so just to be safe, lets open the doors and turn all of them free. (please catch the sarcasm).
Man? Really? Wow!
Saying you should treat someone humanly doesn't mean rewarding them. You can punish someone without being inhumane. Your saying treat them as sub-human on the grounds they probably are guilty, to inflict torture and miss treatment. Being humane would be providing them with what they need to survive and become rehabilitated. Se the US prison is brutal, it turns minor criminals into major ones, that’s why 1% of the entire US population is in prison. However I would agree that UK prisons are to light at times, they don’t need a TV in there room to meet their basic human rights, just clean bedding food, outside contact and not to receive a beating, which would be the inhumane punishment you are mentioning as a good thing. Such treatment causes aggression in individuals that will eventually need to be released.
We need a happy medium that other country’s seem to have reached. I’m not sure it’s sarcasm you’re throwing about. Maybe something else beginning with “S”... something “idity” perhaps.
Originally Posted by EventHorizon
uhhh... what?
Sorry, did that go over your head?
Originally Posted by EventHorizon
i agree with you here. i'm not saying that inmates should be killed by their guards, but prison needs to be a place that people are afraid of going back to.
No, your saying they should be abused by them. You can be afraid without the possibility of pain and inhuman treatment.
Originally Posted by EventHorizon
this isn't a letter, you don't need to Post Script anything. Also, i enjoy defending my position, but once the topic starts veering towards masonic conspiracies and 'big corporation' discussions, i disengage because thats too much paranoia for my tastes.
You may wish to work on that.
What does this have to do with masons? I'll answer that for you to save time... Nothing, other than the inherent corruption. Something I know about first hand, I know a few Mansions, and even they admit that they cover up for each other. It’s what we call the “old boys club” when I use to work for the MoD. I could even come up with a few cases where they have perverted the course of justice if you would like.
Now look up. See that above you? That's the ether the ceiling or the sky, right? Now some were above that is the level of conversation.
Maybe you should spend just a little more time thinking about your argument, alone with the definition of inhumane treatment.
Try amnesty for a start, then maybe look into prisons around the world, try to define what you would consider a good prison system. We can go on from there if you like.