Quite so Random, we are all entitled to expess our opinions. The spies do not like being spied upon do they. I giggled myself silly when I heard the shocking secret that USA thought Prince Andrew was, well, less than exemplory as a trade ambassador. I was waiting for the shocking revelation that they thought Edward might be inclined to sit on Elton Johns side of the church, but none seemed to think that - as far as we know so far. Hopefully good news today that Bradley is being moved. Scarey that, although he has not even had a trial, some politicians were calling for a lynching.
'you know who else got crazy at the microphone and made impassioned speeches?
Adolf fucking Hitler' - I am sure he had his nicer days. I think mother Therasa made impassioned speaches on occassion, as did Ghandi, and the Dalai Lama has given impassioned comments about freeing Tibet - a comment from a Budhist is like a shout from say Gerry Adams - who would probably fit on the Hitler side of the church as he was a ranting instigator to most.