That was awesome (and I only use that word around once a month, so you know it still has that
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Additionally, you have just reminded me that I, too, just recently saved a link about the legacy of our local libraries. Hold it a few...
(I wish I could recount my rountine in how, eactly, I came around to this point again, but you probably already know, and besides... I filter through thousands of links daily, as well as maybe a dozen thoughts, so re-finding something is like jumping back into a virtual sea.)
What’s at stake here is more than access to a room full of books. The modern American public library is reading room, book lender, video rental outlet, internet café, town hall, concert venue, youth activity center, research archive, history museum, art gallery, homeless day shelter, office suite, coffeeshop, seniors’ clubhouse and romantic hideaway rolled into one. In small towns of the American West, it is also the post office and the backdrop of the local gun range. These are functions that the digital public libraries of the future will never be able to recreate.