Originally Posted by chinese crested
'if there is one "incivility" i will defend its the poor treatment of convicted prisoners.'
So your views on the treatment of Bradley Manning, what are they Event? Should he not have civil rights, should he not have the right to a fair trial and to bail whilst he is awaiting it? Should he not have fair and humane treatment? Is it not innocent untill proved guilty?
convicted means after the trial which means a right to an attorney and a speedy trial buy a jury of his peers. being convicted of a crime IM(H for humble)O should not be a pleasurable experience. inhumane treatment as a punishment is very effective in modifying behavior. Read some
About Behaviorism by B. F. Skinner.
as for the rest of your arguments they seem eerily similar to another member here "longliveusa" who i ended up spinning my wheels with so i'll just leave you to your opinions if you leave me to mine