Originally Posted by aceventura3
But, before we continue ( and I am more than willing), on the issue of GE. I think GE being a profitable company paying no taxes is a travesty of corporate tax justice and fairness. This makes me mad, it makes me want to change the system - I want fairness. I laid out suggestions - lower the corporate tax rate (or take it to zero) and get rid of all the subsidies, credits, loop-holes and favorable treatment from government and level the playing field. You seem to be very passive about this, and it is clear that raising the rate won't make a difference. Obama, members of Congress, you or anyone can give a clear and concise explanation of how GE got away with this - sure people will say tax credits, etc., but that is superficial. It would take hundreds of pages of text in small print to see the complete picture - it is a joke.
I'd rather simplify the tax code for corporations than lower it to zero. Frankly, we need the money and paying taxes is part of doing business with and in the United States.
The bulk of GE's profits were made offshore, thus utilizing a popular loophole in our tax system. That's not the complete picture, but it gives you a good idea.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Tea Party people fight against these kinds of travesties, are you with us or not? Honest people can disagree on how to fix the problem, but the Tea Party is the only group that is having the discussion! To that you say what? The generic response of Tea Party people are "crazies" or only care about the rich is no longer enough.
I'm not with the Tea Party for a few basic reasons: 1) The Tea Party doesn't care about fiscal responsibility under Republican administrations, 2) the Tea Party listens to the likes of Beck, Palin,and Rush, who are all nothing but lying propagandists, and 3) the Tea Party will likely die off this year; what power the Tea Party may have had in 2008 is now basically gone. A new, non-partisan vehicle is needed for this kind of change to take place, but a non-partisan vehicle will be attacked by the conservative media and ignored by the liberal media.