Ok, so if the financial benefits living at home are not outweighing the annoyance of putting up with your parents, and you can reasonably afford it without causing yourself hardship, move out. If they are, stay home. Done.
If there are a few legacy rules from growing up that you feel are no longer appropriate (curfew?) and they are the main sticking point with you, sit down and have a polite adult-to-adult discussion with your parents asking to renegotiate certain house rules. However, be aware that this could result in adult-to-adult rent being charged if you do it poorly or if you come off sounding like you're entitled to X, Y, and Z.
If they're really worried about empty nest syndrome, I'm sure they give you some flexibility to keep you from moving on.
All this talk about your college is irrelevant to the discussion and distracting from the primary point, unless you're trying to say you might not be able to afford to move out anyways, in which case, this whole discussion is moot.
twisted no more