You can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. Period.
Listen to plan9, as always he 100% correct.
When did lesbians stop having sex? That would come to a big surprise to my lesbian friends who fuck each other on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure SF still thinks
GRID is real.
OP: Stop trying to play "White Knight", it's just not fucking worth it. I have tried to save all kinds of broken women in my life and it always ended with pain, heartbreak, mental institutions, police reports, and trips to the free health clinic.
Don't do it, just don't.
Tattooing someone's name on you is the biggest Red Flag there is. NO ONE should do this, as it is the trashiest thing you could possible do (besides dead family members, i'll accept that). Chick tattoos your name near any zone that you associate with sex, get the fuck out of there while you can. Change your name, sell your house, run and don't look back!