More lies to cover up for Radical Islam and socialism you cant even prove what you say.
As Christians do not rape women. Islam counts women 5th class citizens and in muslim countries it takes the testimony of 2 Males to prove rape. No Christians i know of burn cities before Halloween. Can you tell me why Nadal Hasan the Muslim who shouted allah ak bar and gunned down 14 American troops at fort Hood is still alive and getting Tax payer dollars and why has obama not avenged the death of 2 USAF personal gunned down by a German Muslim who shouted allah akbar after watching a Antiwar movie made by a liberal which slanders us troops like the democrat leader Murtha who said US marines raped girls in Iraq
the Militias are the ones who freed America from England the kkk is not considered a Militia. Rugged Individualist made America great not socialism. the American president is elected by the electoral college. their is no such thing as the right wing that is a racist slanderous term cooked up by Hillary Clinton to silence dissent during bill Clinton term.
America is not a democracy America is a Constitutional Republic. a democracy is 2 wolves fighting over one lamb a republic is a well armed lamb contesting the vote