Originally Posted by Strange Famous
The OP's parents might be complete pricks for all any of us know. "They did their best" (and other such comments) is true for some, not for others.
They did the best they could. "Could" being key word, but covers all. Maybe their parents were even bigger pricks, so it really does pertain.
Originally Posted by supersparks
I'm worried about when i do finnally make the move that i wont beable to afford living on my own. I'm not really that certain on what things cost as such.
It sounds as though you love your parents but would like their approval. Nothing wrong with that. But, if you're worried, don't you think it's natural that your parents are worried?
Been through this once and it's beginning to happen for the second time. Here's what I've advised both so far, and it seems to have worked well.
Find out what expenses will be. Will you have a roommate or rent your own place? Go look at apartments, check ads for roommates. Get the numbers you need. Ask friends what they pay for electric, gas, water, etc. Don't forget auto expenses, cleaning supplies, shelving, possibly furniture, clothing, sundries, food and even entertainment. You should be able to come up with a reasonable estimate.
Once you have these numbers, work out a budget. When you subtract your expenses from your (take home pay) income, what's left? What will you be
committing to saving? Do you have a fall back, maybe something you can do to earn extra money when an expected raise doesn't come through, car breaks down or whatever Murphy's Law comes along?
Once you have these details worked out, show it to your parents. Then you can show them you've thought it out and have the maturity to show it to them and even ask for advice. At this point, they'll be a lot more willing to trust you and let you go.