Originally Posted by longliveusa
you can burn all the bibles you want you can burn the American flag if you want and nobody will be beheaded. No Christians will fly planes into the muslim twin towers.
Try to stay focused. The point isn't whether burning Bibles or American flags will have the same response. I'm sure we could cancel
American Idol too, and no tasteless American teenage girls will fly planes into twin American network buildings.
I hate nobody and you claiming i does not change that fact burning the quran is about protesting the treatment of Women/Minorities under islam and muslim countries.
If you think that burning the Quran is going to accomplish anything or advance any progress towards how women or minorities are treated in Muslim countries, you have no idea what you're talking about. If you
sincerely cared about women's rights and minorities rights in these nations, instead of supporting the ignorance of a book burning, you would instead support the idea of the
liberalization of Islam. Do you know what that entails? Here's a hint: there's no fire involved and it includes actually
reading the Quran.
You are more interested in
fighting Islam than you are in
supporting women and minorities. The fact of the matter is there are millions of women around the world who are proud Muslims and will not give up their faith, nor should they.
So the next time you want to protest for women's rights or the rights of minorities, try doing something relevant instead of attacking the faith of Muslims. Do you support the Muslim women in your community? Do you support the Muslim minorities in your community? Or would you rather burn their Quran?