Originally Posted by longliveusa
the crusades were in response to the aggression of Islam.
Actually, the Crusades were in response to anything deemed not the true Christian faith in the eyes of the Holy Roman Empire. This led to campaigns against people other than Muslims as well. It was about reclaiming and securing the Holy Land to stabilize and disseminate the Christian myth.
In a way, it's related to the Islamofascism of today, which is a response to modernity and Western cultural hegemony: anything deemed not to be the true Islamic faith.
Mormons believe in John Smith not Jesus Christ
Papists are decadent and Proddies are deviants. What's your point? There is no one "authentic" denomination of Christianity, unless you consider the Eastern Orthodox Church, or the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. All others are imposters and poseurs.
---------- Post added at 02:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------
Originally Posted by longliveusa
you still have not shown any time Christians have beheaded people for mocking Jesus and the bible. Mormans are not Christian they worship Idols not Jesus. Exercising free speech does not cause riots. that is just some lame attempt to stifle dissent. Americans have every right to burn the quran and if you do not like it then go where women are buried up to their necks and stoned to death. this idea that if Americans give up our freedoms islam will just leave us along is the dumbest idea i have every heard. i would burn a quran in your face and you could not do a damn thing about.
I don't get this. How does the lack of murderous Christians in any way make it okay to burn Qurans?
And as Jazz points out, yes, free speech can and does incite violence or cause danger. That's why the right to free speech is no absolute.
And do you know what I think is a dumb idea? Burning Qurans as a means of dissent or criticism of Islam. What does it accomplish other than make right-wing/fundamentalist/extremist Muslims react in anger and violence? It's like pushing a button. It's dumb and unethical. It's un-American and un-Christian. As an atheistic humanist, I find it a deplorable act that ranks up there with Holocaust denial and calls to violence against particular groups. This is because it has a direct impact with very real consequences. If you can't see that, then you are either turning a blind eye or have no concept of cause and effect. You have little capacity for compassion and those who could be hurt either physically or emotionally from such an act.
There is no Christian equivalent. Like I said, burning the "Word of God" to Muslims is a dire thing that Christians don't understand. This is no excuse for violence, but if you know it can set violent people off, then why do it? Would Jesus do it? Buddha wouldn't do it.