Originally Posted by longliveusa
you still have not shown any time Christians have beheaded people for mocking Jesus and the bible. Mormans are not Christian they worship Idols not Jesus. Exercising free speech does not cause riots. that is just some lame attempt to stifle dissent. Americans have every right to burn the quran and if you do not like it then go where women are buried up to their necks and stoned to death. this idea that if Americans give up our freedoms islam will just leave us along is the dumbest idea i have every heard. i would burn a quran in your face and you could not do a damn thing about.
You really hate being wrong, don't you. Hate, hate, hate it. Almost as much as you hate anyone who doesn't believe what you believe.
How's that working out for you?
Anywho, beheading: how's about, oh, the Reformation. You know, when Catholics would behead entire cities of Protestants? Or vice versa? Or just save themselves the trouble and heard them all in a church and set it on fire?
Or we could talk about how Russian pogroms, but I'm sure that Orthodox Christians just aren't the right kind of Christians for your way of thinking. Exactly who's acceptable in this debate? Apparently since the Mormons aren't (even though they think they are), you're going to have to let me know who's in and who's out.
Exercising free speech occassionally does, in fact, cause riots. That's why you can't tell a mob of folks "Let's go kill all the Jews/Frankensteins/liberals/newbie idiots on message boards!" The state has a responsibility to keep you from causing harm to other citizens. It's a balancing act, one that you're apparently unfamiliar with.
Americans have the right to burn the Qu'ran up to the point that it's going to cause someone else harm. Sorry if you can't figure that out. I know! I'm going to burn a stack of Bibles! Bibles wrapped in American flags! And stacked on top of copies The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! And I'll do it while dressed as Benedict Arnold! What do you think about that?
If that's going to cause a riot, I can't do it. Pretty simple. You should be able to understand that, right?
You're right about one thing - I wouldn't give a damn if you burned a Qu'ran in my face. I'd think you were being a complete idiot, and possibly a firebug, but I wouldn't really care. But that's not the point now, is it?