Originally Posted by longliveusa
LOL you had to search for that i bet. Gooder is not a WORD.
---------- Post added at 06:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 AM ----------
no such thing as that you are either American or not an American
Muslims need be American Firsts before being Muslim the quran.
Americans have the right to burn the quran Period you have no right to stop them. Just like some Americans have the right to make cross/Jesus themed vibrators or Liberal Hollywood movies have the right to mock Jesus and nothing is said and if something is said then the person is considered a evil right wing moralist
people burn the bible all the time and nobody is beheaded and no liberal cartoonist or comedians are killed for mocking christians
in the end if you want to ban burning the quran your banning DISSENT of a oppressive racist sexist book of lies
Look it up? Nope. You obviously haven't bothered to read any of my other drivel here. That's pretty much off the top of my head.
As for "gooder", well, look up. See that think zooming along, way, way up there? That's the point, moving at Mach 3 at 60,000 feet above your head.
You don't have the right to burn the American flag if it's going to cause a riot. If it won't you do. Pretty simple. Even you should be able to understand that.