Originally Posted by citadel
I'm equally amused by the people who've never touched violence who freak out about guns and the Republican stereotype on steroids.
Who's freaking out?
Originally Posted by longliveusa
no such thing as that you are either American or not an American
Muslims need be American Firsts before being Muslim the quran.
There is no such thing as Christian Americans then? And there is no law requiring Muslims to be Americans first and Muslims second, so fuck that idea. I thought America was a free country. Are you suggesting that the First and Fourteenth Amendments don't apply because they're Muslim? I don't think so. Freedom is freedom. What you're suggesting is nationalistic bullshit. If they want to consider themselves Muslims first, then they have the right to do so, and there is nothing you can do or say to stop them, and all the power to them. They should be proud of who they are, and not live in fear of those who would oppress them and their faith.
Americans have the right to burn the quran Period you have no right to stop them.
Their rights end where they hit the law of the land. Period. They can be stopped from performing any action that is in violation of the law. No one is above the law. It's called the rule of law. America is governed by laws, not people.
Just like some Americans have the right to make cross/Jesus themed vibrators or Liberal Hollywood movies have the right to mock Jesus and nothing is said and if something is said then the person is considered a evil right wing moralist
people burn the bible all the time and nobody is beheaded and no liberal cartoonist or comedians are killed for mocking christians
False equivalence. Muslims look at the Quran and the image of Mohammed in a different light than Christians do the Bible and Christian imagery. So, no, it's not "just like".... Americans may have the right to do these things (so long as no law is broken), but it's not the same thing.
in the end if you want to ban burning the quran your banning DISSENT of a oppressive racist sexist book of lies
Well, I want the Bible banned from public education. I don't think public money should be spent on religious texts used for religious purposes. Separation of church and state. The only exception would be the Bible (and other religious texts) made available to teach the Christian myth and the mythological value of Christ from a cultural perspective.
As for banning the burning of the Quran, it's a difficult issue. Such an action causes measurable distress in a potentially global manner. The burning of the Quran isn't a reasoned criticism of what's written in it. It's a destructive act and a political message with the potential to incite people to violence. Knowing that fact makes this more than dissent. It's an invitation to violence and an intent to cause distress, and it's intentional. You'd have to be pretty ignorant to not understand how Muslims view the word of their god. And this isn't merely a question of freedom, as there are other bans that are in place for other reasons. For example, there is a ban on public drinking and nudity, etc. Would you consider drunken public nudity a matter of dissent?
And out of curiosity: Have you read the Quran? Have you read the Bible?