I dont think anyone can really tell you what the right thing is, but people can give you their perspective.
Unfaithfullness happens a lot unfortunately, I would guess it is what undermines most relationships. First of all you probably have to decide in yourself if you are even willing to try again... it sounds like you are from the way you write. But if your are, you have to work out between you how the trust can be rebuilt. Its easy to place all of the blame on the other party, but you must admit to yourself that your girlfriend was an entirely willing party in this. Assuming she is a similar age to you, the fact she has children by three fathers (and no contact with the twins - which is pretty unusual for the mother) does show she has had problems being in committed relationships in the past.
I am not trying to be harsh, but it seems that this situation has hurt you deeply and understandably so. If the relationship can be saved I think you both have to face the reasons for this failure. It sounds like you are pretty focused on your work and the material things in life. While you may feel you are working your arse off to provide a financial comfort for your family in hard times, it may be that you do need to pay her more attention. If she is in her mid 20's and has already 4 failed serious relationships (yours lasted 2 years, and the other 3 were serious enough for kids to result from them) she probably really has to have a good hard look at herself, and for some people thats pretty hard.
It sounds like you still love her, but if you go forwards on a basis of broken trust not mended and brushing the real problems under the carpet, it may just cause more pain. Then again, some relationships can survive shocks like this and be as strong again afterwards.
Nobody can just tell you the answer, but all I could advise is that once you both calm down you need to talk seriously and really honestly (and many people find it very hard to be honest with themselves) if you do want to salvage things.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas