Originally Posted by The_Jazz
What Terry Jones did is called "criminally negligent homicide". That's the term when someone disregards the safety of others for their own purposes. It's a misdemeanor. He was aware that Muslims would have this reaction and he did it anyway. Because it happened to people outside of the US, he gets away with it.
Beyond that, your post reads like someone who's never met a Muslim and only knows the bullet points of the Qu'ran that have been fed to them at the local hate group/militia/DAR meeting.
What terry Jones did was exercise his right to free speech he did not behead anybody he did not kill anybody and he can not be touched by any foreign power. Well unless you want to fight Americans Armed Americans. you know if you or any liberal would to try to attack terry Jones the 2nd Amendment would come into play. the 2nd Amendment is the Teeth of the other Amendments.
I hate nobody i love freedom and will defend my freedom to dissent by any and all means available.
So you Back Thought Crime Laws
you have no clue About militias accept the CNN/Hollywood Liberals tell you