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Old 04-15-2011, 11:01 AM   #28 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Location: Australia/UAE
just a side note - i know the guy that was interviewed who said that the court should have shown compassion for the sake of her 7 children.

i have no remorse for people that will go out of their way to screw other people over. i do think that the judge should consider her kids when sentencing though. only this week, and indian woman in Adelaide in South Australia was given a suspended sentence for manslaughter for burning her husbands penis after she discovered he was having an affair. the judge took into consideration the effect that the incarceration would have on the children. i do fear that the burkha hysteria will envelop australia. this story certainly wont help.

im glad that the heads of the islamic community in sydney have stated that women should be showing their faces to policemen when requested. the problem is that with no structured heirachy, some sections of the community with stricter interpretations of islamic beliefs wont accept that statement as they wont believe that that mufti or shiekh is not representative of them.

just a heads up - this is the Channel 9 A Current Affair program that keeps getting worse as the years go on. its been many years since ive watched it. I like to call the presenter Trashy Grimshaw instead of Tracy Grimshaw. its interesting that the only politician they found to interview was the reverend fred nile who is leeader of the christian democrats party, who's been a inflammatory politician calling for many anti muslims bills over the last few years.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere

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- Filthy
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