Originally Posted by longliveusa
Sarah Palin is not a republican she is a Conservative Wikipedia is not a reliable source since it can be Modified without even signing up or logging in.
As far as I know, Sarah Palin is a registered Republican, and has worked within the party for a number of years. Is there any indication that she has declared her breaking from the Republican party? I thought she supported it.
Harry Reid and the RINO Traitor Graham are Appeasing Islam by making excuses for blood thirsty Islam. Terry Jones did not cause anybody to be beheaded by exercising his free speech. Honor Killings are happening weather legal or not that's the point the fact they are happening and no out rage by the media is the point.
I haven't read anything to suggest that Reid and Graham condone the actions of "bloodthirsty" Muslims. And, no, Terry Jones didn't cause anybody to die or anything, but I would say that the burning of the Quran in the current geopolitical environment is both un-Christian and un-American. As a pastor, Terry Jones is a hypocrite and the "Dove World Outreach Center" is a mis-fucking-nomer. What Terry Jones and his supporters represent is a cesspool of hatred and ignorance as an undercurrent within American culture, and I sincerely hope that people within and without government don't simply sit idly by and suggest that it's merely a matter of free speech, because it's not.
But rather than call this book burning as an act of which it is not, let's call it for what it is: fascism. Americans should be appalled by such and action instead of suggesting it's merely a matter of free speech. It's not. Neither is Holocaust denial and other contenders of classy topics that could fall under free speech (at least in America...I think).
McCain backs gun control/Anti Free speech Laws. Again i ask what do you think would happen to Rosa Parks if she disobeyed a muslim who demanded her to go to the back of the bus in a muslim country?
This is a nonsense "what if" question. Kind of like, if America's geographic and demographic situation were like France's during WWII, how long would it have been before America surrendered to the Nazis?
How about just talk about the issue. What does the current topic of gun control and free speech have to do with Rosa Parks. Very little.
What does McCain support/oppose exactly, and what about it do you disagree with?