Originally Posted by FuglyStick
Rational conservatives--they do exist--need to take this opportunity to purge their party of lunatic fringe extremists if they want the GOP to continue being representative of any significant demographic.
I've been largely a supporter of liberal policy since I've been old enough to vote, but on a few issues I appreciate the conservative point of view. They've made it impossible to find any middle ground or compromise lately, however, with the patients running the asylum.
Come back, GOP. I want an opposing party that offers an alternative view, not lunacy.
for this^
i wish i could buy you the most expensive. hooker. ever... and i dont just say those things lightly.
i'm quite pleased with the crowd that i run with in the sense that they're all
rational conservatives. we still get in discussions sometimes about politics but not to the extreme that we're willing to shed blood over it. i wish more rational conservatives would smack the tea partygoers and tell them that real conservatives offer discussion, not tirade. alternate solution, not bigotry. a different form of government, not anarchy.
bipartisanship FTW!