Originally Posted by chinese crested
That would be a bit cruel, dont you think, there would be harm to her if she felt that strongly.
hell yeah its cruel! i've been on both sides and as painful as it might be for both parties (one moreso than the other) thats just the way it is.
if you're the one in love, it sucks because they're incapable of seeing in you what you see in them and hope becomes your worst enemy until you emotionally get over that person, you die of old age, or they call the cops on you (if you're the stalkerish type).
if you're the one that is turning that love down, it sucks because you aren't setting out to completely destroy this person from the inside-out but given the options between that and bending to the will of someone who you have no interest in pleasing, you have to tell that person that if they want you to be happy, they'll leave you alone.
does unrequited love actually happen? probably, but alot less than angsty teens/ college students realize. i would say that a more appropriate term is unrequited infatuation.