Lately it has been:
My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic
Magic Schoolbus
Yo Gabba Gabba
But I also like trash reality TV:
Amazing Race
Top Chef (not as much this season for some reason)
And I love HBO series:
The Wire (finished it, sadly)
True Blood
Boardwalk Empires
Trying to get into Treme but it's just so slow...
For non-HBO drama, it's just Breaking Bad. Weeds started sucking WAY before season six (DEA agent? Uhhh, sure), I lost interest in Dexter after season 1 (though I'm told it gets better), Lie to Me had tons of potential but just got SUPER repetitive (NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE PERSONALLY INVOLVING A TEAM MEMBER GAH *NERD RAGE* STOP FORCE-FEEDING HALFASSED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT).
But yeah, mostly My Little Ponies. It's seriously a great show, I'm not being sarcastic.
twisted no more