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Old 04-14-2011, 11:50 AM   #13 (permalink)
EventHorizon's Avatar
Location: The Aluminum Womb
ok my comments just pertain to the US, i don't know much about other cultures (specifically french). please dont mistake me for speaking about western countries everywhere.

Originally Posted by dlish View Post
do you think that the burkha ban should be introduced in other countries in the west and europe?

As a note, the burkha, although a religious symbol is not an islamic requirement. it is not enforceable under shariah law, and no one can force someone to wear it. Those that do, do it of their own will. And if there are any that are forced to wear it, then those that force their women to wear it are in breach of islamic teachings.
to answer the question: no; it'd be like telling nuns they can't wear their habits (not exactly the same thing but i'm trying to make comparisons)

Originally Posted by dlish View Post

im afraid that this ban will spread across the western world. that in order for right wing politicians to garner support from their constituants, they'll pull out the burkha ban and wave it around to show how they are fighting those that dont want to integrate, like somehow they are doing the country a favour.
i can't really see this happening. if right wing folk are generally for the minimization of government involvement in the lives of the individual citizen, not to mention how hard they'd get smacked with the "this country was founded on religious freedom" so hard they'd shit. also if they played the "integrate or GTFO" card, they'd be hard pressed to keep their credibility to as wide of an audience as possible (which is what politics is all about right?)

Originally Posted by dlish View Post
what this will do is cause a divide between the muslim population and the rest of the country. This could well be the intention, and it could well work, singling out an entire community and painting them as fanatics.
i smell conspiracy theory, but then again i underestimate the stupidity of how really really really retarded a large amount of people can be (see noodle's sig for more info). as for a schism between muslims and everyone else, [U]if[U] something like that happens, it wont be drastic, just the overly outspoken muslim people will clash hard with the outwardly outspoken anti-muslims and the rest of everyone else will continue on with their lives thinking "both of these people need to chill out"

Originally Posted by dlish View Post

As a western muslim im concerned. Ive previously mentioned that ive had family in australia attacked, abused and driven off the road because they look apprently muslim. My wife was abused on a train home for the crimes of 10 nutters in september 2001 and as a young kid i was called a 'wog' many more times than i'd like to remember. My wife does wear a hijab by choice, and im concerned that these laws will be extended not by the government, but by vigilante groups fanned by a hatred of anything foreign. Those that carry this fire only need an excuse to vent their anger. This ban could spread, and this ban could affect me and my family.

thats really fucked, if i were you i would recommend putting foot to ass for the purpose of self defense

Originally Posted by dlish View Post

i can see how vigilante groups will take matters in their own hand if they see a woman in a burkha on the street.
maybe for a few extremist groups but i have faith that the majority of muslims will continue to practice as they see fit and the majority of the people won't criticize them

Originally Posted by dlish View Post
what do you think? should muslims be allowed to wear the burkha? should they be banned? should they be shipped 'back home' for breaking the law? how can it be policed? will people take matters in their own hands to enforce the law?
burkhas should definitely not be banned. i dont know much about the Islamic faith but would it be unreasonable to have religious advisers to politicians? it seems like that'd solve alot of problems
Does Marcellus Wallace have the appearance of a female canine? Then for what reason did you attempt to copulate with him as if he were a female canine?
Originally Posted by canuckguy View Post
Pretty simple really, do your own thing as long as it does not fuck with anyone's enjoyment of life.
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