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Old 04-14-2011, 08:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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The Burkha Debate

Ive been mulling over whether i should start this thread for over a week now. So this evening, i thought, what the heck. let's see what TFP has to say about the Burkha debate.

As some/most of you might know, France has introduced a Burkha ban in public which is enforceable and anyone breaking the law can be arrested and fined for not complying with the new laws.

do you think that the burkha ban should be introduced in other countries in the west and europe? should this type of ban apply only to muslims, or should other cultures face similar enforcement.

As a note, the burkha, although a religious symbol is not an islamic requirement. it is not enforceable under shariah law, and no one can force someone to wear it. Those that do, do it of their own will. And if there are any that are forced to wear it, then those that force their women to wear it are in breach of islamic teachings.

im afraid that this ban will spread across the western world. that in order for right wing politicians to garner support from their constituants, they'll pull out the burkha ban and wave it around to show how they are fighting those that dont want to integrate, like somehow they are doing the country a favour.

what this will do is cause a divide between the muslim population and the rest of the country. This could well be the intention, and it could well work, singling out an entire community and painting them as fanatics.

I think its worth mentioning that out of a muslim community of a few million in France, there's approximately only 2000 women who wear the burkha. quite a small number for such a large demographic.

As a western muslim im concerned. Ive previously mentioned that ive had family in australia attacked, abused and driven off the road because they look apprently muslim. My wife was abused on a train home for the crimes of 10 nutters in september 2001 and as a young kid i was called a 'wog' many more times than i'd like to remember. My wife does wear a hijab by choice, and im concerned that these laws will be extended not by the government, but by vigilante groups fanned by a hatred of anything foreign. Those that carry this fire only need an excuse to vent their anger. This ban could spread, and this ban could affect me and my family.

i can see how vigilante groups will take matters in their own hand if they see a woman in a burkha on the street. This will evenetually lead to muslim women going underground and secluding themselves from the rest of the population in the western world. It will work against the liberation of womens rights, and against the liberation of muslim women who are 'subjugated' by thier husbands.

I regard myself as integrated into western society. I speak two languages, and i can fit in anywhere in the west, parts of europe, the middle east and parts of south asia. I may not agree with the Burkha being worn in the western world, because it would cause more conflict than good, but it is the choice of a select few who do this for their own religious beliefs. And although they may do this for personal reasons, the effects will spill over into other parts of the world.

Is this Europe throwing down the gauntlet?

what do you think? should muslims be allowed to wear the burkha? should they be banned? should they be shipped 'back home' for breaking the law? how can it be policed? will people take matters in their own hands to enforce the law?

i'd love to hear what TFP has to say, pro and con.
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