Is it worth losing a friend?
Something happened to a friend of mine and his family. The specifics aren't important but it was a prank played in extremely poor taste.
My friend is one of my best friends for over a decade, and yet for some reason he assumed I was behind the prank.
I have been known to be an asshole (My mom said I could be whatever I wanted and that's what I chose) so while I was surprised, it didn't bother me that I was his primary suspect.
The prank came to light over the weekend and when he told me about it and I denied it he said okay if you say it wasn't you it wasn't you.
Later he RSVP'd no to my birthday party this weekend with the reason being "I don't trust you".
We spoke and I told him to his face it wasn't me. He told me to my face he didn't believe me.
Because his friendship means more to me than my pride I sent him an email with "proof" of my innocence and offered another way he could see for himself. He hasn't replied.
I will admit to being a lot of things but the one thing (the ONLY thing) I am not, is a liar.
I don't mind (too much) that he thought i was the prankster but I'm so offended / hurt / angry (insert random bad emotion here) over not trusting me and calling me a liar that I'm just about ready and willing to tell him to to Fuck off.