The good thing about a decent tea shop is that they will sell in bulk in virtually any amount. I normally buy my tea in 50 g lots (just under 2 oz.), and most of them I choose are around $7.00 for that amount. However, just recently I caught a whiff of
Quangzhou milk oolong and I was enticed by its uncanny buttery & creamy aroma. Unfortunately, 50 g sells for $18.
The woman in the shop said she'd sell me any amount, and to either name a weight or dollar value. I told her I'd take $5's worth. It was enough to brew six cups of tea. However, she informed me that oolong is very resilient to steeping and that many varieties can be rebrewed all day. I knew that green tea was good for double-brews, but didn't know this about oolong. Black teas generally are only good for one, as far as I know.
Anyway, I steeped this stuff at least three times and it was fantastic every time. The flavour is unbelievable. It's only grown in one region in the Wuyl Mountains in China. Apparently it gets its properties from the more drastic shift in temperature as it's harvested. If you ever get a chance to try it, do yourself a favour and do so.