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Old 04-12-2011, 03:16 PM   #22 (permalink)
Paladin of the Palate
LordEden's Avatar
Location: Redneckville, NC
Jesus, are you trying to get a symphony vote or something? This sounds like a political speech more than a post about pizza.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Masterchef has a different and particular meaning to anyone from the UK. Its the name of a popular cookery show. The general point is the same though, it refers to an excellent cook. Which I am.
This show you talk of, is it this show? If so... I don't see how a game show with a cooking time limit has anything to do with being a masterchef unless you were on this show and won it. You may be a excellent cook, but from the recipes you have posted a long with your lack of cooking knowledge (terms [ie. cookery, pitta, basically mis-spelling every cooking term you use], techniques, and ingredients) I'm going to go with; no, you are not a good cook.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
I am very happy to take on all of these people who "live food" who call themselves "chef" when they are just a cook, who consider chopping and exposing to heat foodstuffs some kind of art.
1. Do you know what it takes to become a chef or even consider yourself a excellent cook? I'm guessing your food knowledge comes from random cooking shows and maybe a recipe on the internet. Some of the posters in this sub-forum are chefs and have earned that title through schooling, hard work and determination (I am not considering myself a chef, I never earned the right to call myself that). World's King has had that title at a resturant before and I would consider him a chef (along with his peers). I've spent 8 years in a kitchen, cooking more meals than you will cook in a lifetime and I do not consider myself a chef. It takes a level of mastery and techniques that I will never attain in my lifetime. This is why the title of chef is such an honor and I spit upon those use it with a careless fashion.

2. Cooking is an art form, just as woodworking, painting, and writing is an art form. It takes years of training and a natural skill to be able to cook at the level of a chef. You are stumbling into a master artisan's woodworking shop, building a unstable bookshelf out of 2x4s and then telling him that he will never make anything as beautiful as that bookshelf. It just makes you look the fool.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Let me first of all inform you that:

1 - fine dining is a joke that clever marketeers play on people with more money than brains... middle class poseurs who pay through the nose to eat over priced, over complicated, unfulfilling meals.
Every once in a while, you make a statement I can allllllllmost agree with. A lot of fine dining resturants are full of crappy food and over priced wines. There are some restaurants that serve food that is considered the best food in the world, not because of any foo-faa, but because it is hands down some of the best food made by the best chefs in the world. Restaurants like Thomas Keller's French laundry in NYC, Marco Pierre White's The Yew Tree Inn (near Highclere in North Hampshire) and Mario Batali's Babbo in NYC. I could go on forever. Those restaurants are worth every penny you spend there, because those chefs are producing some of the best food in the world.

On a side note, Marco Pierre White is now the driving force behind "simplication in food" and is always looking out for what he calls, "The perfect english meal".

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
A REAL Masterchef can tell you that honest, simple, fresh, lovingly prepared food is more enjoyable to someone with a real pallete than a plate with three microchips and half a tuna steak and a fennel "foam" that you pay some maniac who shouts at people to pretend he is Gordon Ramsey $50 to make you.

Food is about three things, delivered in three ways

1 - Comfort
2 - Nourishment
3 - Pleasure/Taste

The goal of a REAL masterchef is to prepare this in a way that is

1 - Cheap
2 - Quick
3 - Simple
Not all good restaurants serve the TV idea of fine dinning. I'm pretty sure you have never had gourmet food and are basing everything in this thread on what you have seen on the telly.

I've already stated that you can make a pizza cheaper and in a simpler fashion in my last post. I'm not sure how much pita bread costs in the UK, but buying frozen pizza dough is cheaper than buying pita bread. Then again logic doesn't come into play when you argue.

Also, NO ONE wants to be Gordon Ramsey, he's a bloody wanker.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
This pizza I have designed is delicious. I have eaten it myself, maybe 5 times this year. Everytime, really really good. Why would I want to hand toss pizza dough for myself? I wore a jumper to work today, I didnt go out and sheer the sheep myself. What I am presenting is real food for real people thats really good. I can put up 20 recipes that are all top quality, just like that. I could do it tomorrow if I felt like it.
I'm not sure what you consider "top quality", but using pita bread to make a pizza is not "top quality". It's cheap and lazy. If that's what you are going for, fine, just don't lump it in with real quality ingredients.

BTW, canned tomato puree isn't considered a top quality ingredient by anyone. Ever.

Also, do it. 20 recipes. I want you to put 20 recipes (of your own, no cheating) up here (really, in another thread, we have threadjacked this thread enough) and I'll put 20 of my recipes up there and we will have a popular vote. Let the "real people" of TFP decide who has better recipes. You game? I'm itching to see what 20 recipes you could come up with. I'm dead fucking serious, let's do this.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
And you know what?

Everyone could be made by a normal person with no cooking experience.
Everyone would taste good.
Everyone would be better than some Michelin restaurant where they dont give you youre dinner, they give you a "dining experience"
Driving past the horrible grammar you have used, I'm guessing you mean "Everything", unless you are talking about people "tasting good".

Have you ever eaten at a resturant that had a michelin star? If so, why don't you list them for us. I'd like to know where you are getting these facts from.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
I dont speak for or represent those who eat at Michelin restaurants and treat good honest food as contemptable.

I dont speak for those who look down and sneer at ordinary working class men and women that go out and do a day's work and then just want to have a simple filling meal when they get home.

I dont speak for those who treat call a man who pays over his hard earned cash for a burger at a restaurant and then DARES to ask for some tomato sauce as if he is some kind of revolting philistine.
I've ate at a lot of burger joints and never had someone give me lip at using ketchup. Why don't you tell us what restaurant you ordered this burger at?

I want a simple, filling meal when I get home too. You act like you are the only person in the world who wants some comfort food at the end of the day. None of the regular posters in this sub-forum ever "look down" upon people for posting comfort food recipes, we eat them just like anyone else.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Lord Eden, if this is the constituancy you wish to represent, you are welcome to each other.

I represent the working mum who gets home at six and wants to give her kids a decent meal, even if she doesnt own 7 types of vinegar and bake her own bread in a tin kettle.

I represent the man who expects to be given some tomato sauce with his meal if he asks.

I masterchef the meals that these people want.
Rabble rousing now are we?

I have never said I stand for... whatever you are trying to describe. I love comfort food and southern cooking, one of the easier cooking subsets in the food world. I was trained by good blue collar chefs who just wanted to make good food for a fair price. You act like we have our noses in the air because we make our own pizza dough. What section of your ass did you pull that out of? We like making pizza dough ourselves because we love to cook and it fucking tastes better.

You accually are cooking bachelor food and that's fine. Again, if you would have posted "a cheap and simple recipe" for pizza, that would have been fine. You didn't you pissed all over everyone else in the thread by stating you are better than everyone else and calling yourself a chef. I've cooked your "pizza" before and it was not the best pizza I've ever had. Not by a long shot.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Anyone who thinks that my arguments have been knocked down in the weapons thread must have a warped view of life. I dont choose to engage in personal battles, I simply make statements of fact and common sense. Almost every one of these long drawn out arguments just showed me again and again proving my view as correct and common sense.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha... ok ok I can respond to this... *pfff* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH. Oh god, oh god I can't breathe.

SF, I take back everything I said about you. Trolling in two sub-forums at the same time in one post? That takes a trolling skillset that is unheard these days. Good show, ol' chap.


To be honest SF, you are going to win this argument. You know why? Because you never give up. You maybe stumbling around in the woods lost as any man could be, but still telling everyone you know the way. You fly into a thread and drop the biggest bomb you can think of and stand in the blast radus telling everyone you are right. I'd almost respect that if you were not talking out your ass the entire time.

I know I'm falling directly into your trap and I admit it, I took your bait. I'm here, arguing with the person no one on this board wants to argue with (except slims and plan9, but those motherfuckers are crazy). I shouldn't even be posting this, but you are defiling the one thing I love doing the most in this world. You don't even really care about this argument, you are just glad you got a rise out of me by insulting the industry I love the most. You are a master of something SF, getting a reaction out of the people on this website seems to be your forte.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich

Last edited by LordEden; 04-12-2011 at 03:37 PM.. Reason: Jesus, the spelling errors! TFP's spell check is letting me down
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