pink ninjas?
Hmmm, obviously people were created in a way that they still experience sexual desire, and can indeed still engage in sex during the early stages of pregnancy. So apparently sex isn't supposed to be merely reproductive. Actually, I think human are the only species that can and does continue to cohabit during pregnancy. I think though that the idea of people being created "male and female" still applies though. Trying to frame the bible account from a more independent perspective. Also, what is interesting is that it says Eve was created from Adam's rib. But that is the translation- it can also be translated from the Hebrew as "side". Literally, Eve was a side of Adam, suggesting that the original "man" was in fact a euphemism for mankind, and had both make and female elements. Therefore sex, and marriage, would be a form of re-unification. Like people suggested earlier in the thread, the literature itself is fascinating, if you don't get bogged down by the dogmatic interpretations some people have been pushing for so long.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.