SF, I swear to gawd he's a troll.
Originally Posted by Daniel_
I don't FEEL clever, but standardised testing seems to show that I am.
Don't worry, you aren't

Psychologists are realizing and discovering more and more "types" of intelligences. Somewhere hovering around half a dozen to a dozen.
There has also been shown quite a bit of bias for the "white man" in IQ tests. In other words, its really not the objective piece of work that most think it is.
Our brain is also a bit like a computer, if you have a crazy high IQ, like some autistic-people do, but lower intelligences in others, you'll get a bottleneck, just like a computer. All in all its looking like we are only as smart overall as our strongest link in the chain so to speak.
edit: ninja'd...looks like you already know what I mean about other intelligences.