Thread: Mensa Test
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:14 PM   #27 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
There are different IQ tests that have different grades. I had to take one when I was 23 and I started my job... they explained pretty clearly that the score you got wasnt "stand alone" but related to the average and graded you compared to other people.

0 is brain dead, 100 is average, 200 is top.

142/200 makes me the 29th cleverest man out of 100

Its pretty obvious, even to a man who aint clever enough for MENSA that to be in the top 1% you'd have to get 198!


As for my aggression issues... its just a joke about dealing with feelings of inadequacy. Its a response to claims of superiority. I say the same sort of thing if a girl describes another man as good looking, that I would when people go on about join a club I'm not clever enough to get into... I would have though the scenario was silly enough that it wouldnt sound like a genuine intention.

I dont want to be cleverer than 98% of people. I am happy to be cleverer than average but nothing special. If there are some people who get kicks out of wearing a badge that says "I'm better than most people" (and genuinely, what else can MENSA mean?).... its there choice, thats a statement of their personality... Im not saying its wrong, Im just saying its not me.

In any case I consider myself "special" in other wats. It is my genuine belief that I have more Y chromosones than a normal male. Probably 4 Y chromosones. This is scientifically possible. It is likely that I do not have an X chromosone at all (which is partly feminine)... I havent researched that part scientifically, but if I was analysed by science I suspect there is a good chance I have no X, my chromosones are YYYY. It is interesting to speculate whether I was born XYYY and the abnormal levels of testostorone in my body transferred the X into another Y.

Anyway, I dont want to derail your thread about how clever all you MENSA chaps are, so thats really a whole other discussion.

I will settle with:

I have taken an IQ test, and as I understand it I am not clever enough for MENSA

I dont want to be in MENSA anyway

I wouldnt bother studying for it, or putting any effort into it... if you want to improve yourself (which is a noble desire) learn a trade or a skill that will get you somewhere in life or bring you pleasure - learn a musical instrument, learn to carve wire, learn to rewire a house...
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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