I was forced to do an IQ test once. I think I got 142, apparently 100 is the average score, and 200 is the best, so 142 makes me in the top 29% of intellectuals. I'll take that. Solidly in top 1/3 of society!
Of course I would never join an elitist organisation like MENSA, I find the very idea of it appalling. Apparently from what I just read on Wikipedia if you have to be in the top 2% to join... so I guess I wont ever have to worry about joining it!
These MENSA characters might think they are smart, but I bet if me and an average MENSA member were to both drink 10 pints of beer and have a fist fight outside a kebab shop I'd beat his arse and then have not-really-attractive-but-drunk girls holding me back going "leave it, he isnt worth it" and so on while he was laid out taking a nap on the pavement...
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas