Originally Posted by roachboy
first, this is not an american operation. i don't understand why you have such trouble with this empirical situation.
It is your problem that you don't understand what I have written regarding my view of American involvement. At the most empirical level this is a Libyan situation. Once we get beyond that, any pretense held that American does not have the most influence over how event will go has very little credibility.
second, your insistence that the "problem" is some "lack of clarity" from obama is nothing but the repetition of a lame conservative talking point. so you demonstrate my point from the post just above yours. well played. it's great to watch someone with your skills eviscerate themselves. again. bravo.
My post regarding Obama's lack of clarity predates any formal talking points.
third, your "civil war" interpretation is arbitrary---we've already been through this. others have too. you make a pseudo-historical argument, get pushed off it because you don't know what you're talking about, then try to bring it back again.
Is your point that the conflict in Libya is not a civil war?
finally, your assertion about the rebels "being lost from the start" is simply pulled from the air.
Or, a simple assessment of the situation prior to the UN resolution passage and the implementation of the no fly zone. Come on, look at the dates. Match what was going on inside and outside of Libya on a time-line. The rebel cause was clearly a lost cause prior to the UN resolution - my questions that followed involved what our level of commitment would be. Encouraging people to fight on in a lost cause, giving them the false impression of support that may not materialize borders on immoral depending on the circumstances and how events play out.
the only point in your summary of yourself that's real is the question about not knowing who exactly the rebels are. but everyone's been saying this from jump.
And I emphasize the importance of knowing that before we engage our military. A clear error in leadership.