Originally Posted by ASU2003
as long as the secrets don't hurt anybody... But there should be a way to have a 'secret' or 'top secret' level court case, where wrong-doers can be held accountable, yet what they did doesn't get put into the public record.
things are generally kept secret because they have the potential to hurt people if they're not kept properly right? why bother having secret/top secret court cases? if the judge is going to dish out a punishment it should go out on public record.
if there is one "incivility" i will defend its the poor treatment of
convicted prisoners. i dont think there should be such a term as "cruel and unusual" punishment. punishment is supposed to be a negative reinforcement of what not to do. i dont exactly remember how the argument was phrased in the book "Starship Troopers" (which is NOTHING like the movie) but it made a good argument about how criminals should be humiliated for what they did. i think that would overall be an excellent deterrent to crime which would ultimately bring about a more civil society. but thats just my opinion