Daily Giggle
During the last few months of World War II I roomed in south Philadelphia where I ran into an interesting character. He was a short-order cook and we used to run into each other a lot and chat a little, mostly about his job and how he hoped to have a similar business of his own. We some times talked about girls. But one day out of the clear blue he announced he was getting married. I said, "Congratulations, but isn't this sort of sudden? How long have you known this gal?"
He said, "One week."
I said, "Wow! You two must like each other an awful. You must have a lot in common. What is the attraction?"
He hesitated a little as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his dungarees. Then he said, " I like to wear dungarees and she likes me to wear dungarees."
He then held up a harmonica and said, "I like to play the harmonica and she likes to hear me play the harmonica." ............. And that was it.