Originally Posted by ZombieSquirrel
I was hoping to read some cool recipes by all the ingenious chefs on this site instead of appliance suggestions I don't like to cook with an oven or a toaster oven.
I never post microwave recipes because I couldn't stand the thought of someone using a microwave to cook anything. Microwaves are for reheating, not for cooking.
Now, I will admit to giving some re-fire steaks a bit of "radar love" in the jukebox, but I could count all those times on one hand. I remember reading something about water/meals that were cooked in the microwave being worse off for you, but I could just be pulling that out of my ass.
Raw recipes? Isn't that an oxymoron?
has raw "recipes", whatever that is. I only know about it because Anthony Bourdain went off about the book and that hippy fuckwad Woody Harrelson turning down food I'll kill for in Thailand for only "raw" meals.
I'm going to sound off before I go off about raw diets and how silly that is.