You don't have to go through lawyers. It's constructive desertion. If two parties agree, they can go through a simple divorce and the process should be relatively straightforward, so long as there are no major disputes over custody, marital property, maintenance/alimony, and the like.
Generally, the two parties will have to have been living apart, or, demonstrate an intent to stay apart (i.e. sleeping in separate rooms), and a court will grant a divorce on grounds of constructive desertion (or whatever the hell the term is).
More and more couples go to court pro se these days. You don't necessarily need a lawyer to divorce, although it certainly helps to have someone who knows the law to streamline your case. I cringe when I watch pro se litigants ramble on about an immaterial issue.
This is not intended to be legal advice, and any information here should be confirmed with a bar licensed attorney in your state.
Originally Posted by Lieber Code on the laws of war
"Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God."