Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Jesus Christ, my balls climbed up into my abdomen just looking at the pictures! I don't know that I could convince myself to do this under normal circumstances.
Originally Posted by Hektore
Hats off to you man, no way do I still have the stones to do anything like that.
Originally Posted by EventHorizon
nice dude! you've got some stainless steel ones for climbin up that. is the next step base jumping off the top? i bet you wont do it... I BET YOU WONT!
my set were the size of peas as i was going up. you cant really imagine what it like, and by the time you go up there, its too late.
i dont have steel ones. seriously, ill be man enough to say that as we got the the toughest bit towards the end i was extremely nervous that my hands started shaking.
Originally Posted by dogzilla
Nice views, but I would have probably turned around at the first set of stairs. There's no way I would climb out on thin ledges on a cliff face. Me and heights don't get along.
Looks like a fun hike though.
the thing is, the first set of stairs is 3 hours into the climb. its so much easier to keep going than come back down looking at the height you just climbed.
my thoughts at the time was..well, if i turn around now it's going to be even scarier coming down. if i persevere for a little bit more i'll get there and it would be a lot less scary coming down...little did i know it was going to take another 12 hours to get back! i was hoping for a 5pm finish, maybe 6.
Originally Posted by uncle phil
going up may have been the stairway to heaven but coming down looked like the highway to hell...
congrats, d'lish...
my thoughts exactly uncle phil! it was more taxing on the legs coming down and tougher physically coming down because we were coming down so slowly. going up was relatively easy on the body, and had this not been an exposed face it would be a really popular climb.
Originally Posted by StanT
If you're ever in Colorado, you might like the Long's Peak Keyhole route. It also falls into the "had to do it once, promised the spouse I'd never do it again" category.
i do plan onmaking out to CO one day. i have some friends there, and id love to spend some time in the mountains. ill have to check out that route..sounds quite interesting.
now.... ive got to set myself the next challenge...still deciding on what its going to be.