This article confuses INTOLERANCE and INCIVILITY. Intolerance is not necessarily bad. Not tolerating stoning of women (or anyone) is perfectly justified. Calling a person's faith savagery to his face is incivility. You can express your disgust and non-acceptance of another's religion, political stance, choice of sports teams or even footwear in very vehement and forthright terms WITHOUT being impolite about it.
That's how mature, intelligent humans do it. They don't yell invectives, they speak plainly, politely, and with the intent of getting the message across without causing the discussion to degenerate into infantile name calling or cursing such as this article praises.
Oh, and the BULLSHIT was meant as irony, if you didn't get it.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.