Top 5 traits do you prioritize in the opposite sex and why?
The title practically explains itself but i was curious to know how diverse it can get with other people and if you want to why, and you can also include not's so like 'not a clean freak ' - ( don't get too psycho analysis with me though!)
So here is my list to begin it..
1: Physically attractive: Some people say its the inside that counts but i just can't dig a girl no matter how amazing her personality is if i don't find her attractive in the way that urges sex - there has to be a lust factor in it (not necessary big but it just has to be there).
2: Kind: I value this as i can never get sick of kind people.
3: Laughs easily - because i tell shit jokes.
4. Not taller than me: It'snot really a trait but i can't stand that!
5: Eventful: I really like it when a girl has a lot going for her it's really enjoyable and there isn't that frustration in being the one who always takes her out, always organizes the weekends ect.
I don't mind if she's a dumbass as i find intelligent interesting conversationalist as they can be, are high maintenance. Hey it least i'm honest.
Last edited by Sheepy; 04-02-2011 at 08:46 AM..