It's good bye, myself, you were a worthy adversary
I'm going to be upfront, I originally posted this in another forum, but I just felt like sharing a part of myself with you all as well.
In recent months my life has taken off on a trajectory I really didn't think it would. In simple language, there's what I wanted to have happen, and there was the spanner that came from no where and planted itself firmly in the works. One thing is really clear, something I've always known, but in the last few months, just, really beaten into me. This passage of time, this journey of life, these mountains to climb, this shit to wade through, there is no end and no reprieve and that is life.
You know what, it's awesome, I love it, and the feeling of being alive is a pure mystery of the universe that should on occasion stop being questioned and simply enjoyed.
While sometimes life seems bleak if you want it to, it really isn't, right now I have a big ass goofy grin on my face because I know this thread is just one part in many of a marvelous tapestry of human experience and one person trying their best to tell others that is really all OK. Shit's hard, I know. A lot of the time things really don't go our way, I know. There's other things to consider and it's all very complicated, believe me, I know.
But it's OK, I mean there's a shared reality that will be waiting for you in the morning, but there's your perception of it that can change and be changed, there's always a new way to view those two same faces of that same coin. I've walked a long difficult path recently, and the man who took those first steps is dead now. Same name, same skin, same face, different man though, I don't think I'll be that man again, to be honest I don't think I care to be. Right at the moment I'm sitting on the summit looking around while others dear and close to me are climbing that same damn mountain. While I wish I could throw them a rope, I have no rope to throw. The most I can do is scream at the top of my lungs and tell them it's OK, they'll get there. But you know what, it's frustrating, because it just doesn't feel like I'm helping.
But if there's one little factoid about life I have learned: Only you can change your life. Only you can climb that mountain. And while I hate starting a sentence with the word and, you will one day notice that once you get your head above the mucky muck you'll notice something, that everyone else, everyone you give a shit about, anyone dear to you, they'll all have their own heads in the mucky muck too. That's when you'll understand that a lot of the things you've perceived from others is nothing to do with you at all, but, just the same as you, we've all got our heads in the mucky muck. So, wonder boy, what is the secret of your power, and staying high above the mucky muck?
Tenacious D references aside, this ramble has a point. Maybe some of you are at my point in life and get it, maybe others are curious, and I flat out know a lot of won't give a toss.
So my point is this, we can walk this journey alone, we can walk it in a group, and you know, we can do it any fucking way we want to. What you need to ask yourself, what you need to remember is, are you really true to yourself along the way? I mean, did you take this path for you or someone else? Are justifying your choices to someone else or to you? Because if you're justifying it either to yourself or to someone else than you haven't been honest with either.
Stand tall mother fuckers, know your ground, know when you need to concede it and most importantly, know when you really don't have to give it up. Fight for what you know is right but don't loose sleep when you're wrong. And get used to that, both me starting a sentence with the word and, and admitting when you're wrong, because you will be, often, just fucking roll with it man.
Know yourself, be yourself, love yourself. Live life, it's happening live and in 4D, and that 4th 'D' moves at a frightening fucking pace, don't get to the end of the 4D spectacular in HD human eyeball vision and ask yourself what the fuck just happened. If you can't die tomorrow with a grin on your face then you'd better start living your dreams now, because you're sure as shit ain't ready to die just yet.
You are not a slave