Originally Posted by KirStang
... You're sitting alone, by yourself, doing some bullshit assignment, in front of the computer...
Go play World of Warcraft.
Yeah THAT'S what he needs, another world for him to think he is being social ("But I talk to people everyday!") and for him to whine to other guys who use WoW as an outlet.
Bad KirStang, if he starts playing WoW now, he may never recover. He might still be pining for this girl when he turns 30.
I know I say this a lot, but I miss Gucci, this thread needs him. If you can take a power kick in the ass from the combined might of Jazz, Gucci, and Plan9 then still be emo.... you will never recover. I did all the time in my whiny emo blogs I posted Pre-Cinn.
Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
It's been a while since I wanted to bitch-slap someone who seems determined not to read. It's like Chicken is the masculine version of Chelle. Sure, the eyes are moving over the page, the words parsed in some cognitive filter that knows that one's a noun and that one's a verb, but then they are hitting this FUCKING BRICK WALL!!!
Chicken, the next post you write needs to say, "Here is my plan for acquiring New Pussy (tm):" If it says anything else, I'm done, man.
That's saying a lot seeing how you do most of your posting in TiltedSesspool.
Hey, maybe we can hook Chelle and Chicken up. We could watch them date for 12 months before they both get up the courage to hold hands. We could make a reality TV show out of.