My point is that budget considerations dont exist in a vacuum and concerns over costs (even inflated as yours were) are, IMO, a weak argument to oppose a limited US role in protecting civilians from a despot intent on massacre, if not prevented...and if you so concerned about the costs, they are easily offset by reaching into the pockets of defense tax dodgers.
One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon...
...The cost of operating the no-fly zone over Libya alone could cost the U.S. an estimated $30 million to $100 million a week, a study by the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments found.
This morning, the good ladies of Fox News, Palin and Van Susteren, wildly exaggerated the cost, putting it at $600 million/day