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Old 03-28-2011, 09:06 PM   #29 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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Originally Posted by Plan9 View Post
Oh, fuck that.

Here's the thing: Running sucks. As with much in the military, you need to just embrace the suck. When I'm running I get into whatever pace I'm doing (steady or sprints) and then go daydream about other stuff. I think about the different sex positions I wanna work the woman through when I get home a million years from now or what I need to do to maximize the efficiency of my sock drawer or what type of AR I'm going to buy or how to best approach the issue of being short one vehicle and wanting a Tacoma. The stitch in my side isn't going anywhere between miles 3 and 5, nearly roll my ankle and worry about it on mile 6... but by mile 8 I'm flying on pure Full Retard juice thinking about rerigging my plate carrier and how I need a liquor cabinet in the dining room. Music helps push a lot of people. I've run a lot in shitty conditions without it and keeping your brain loaded with little tasks works well.

A mentor of mine that taught me "how to run" mentioned that you should use the time to solve a problem by examining all possibly solutions.

Get the mind moving and the ass will follow.
thats exactly what i do too. i solve all the worlds problems ( as well as my own) on my two hour canter. dont think about the pain, and it wont exist. thats honestly how it works. if i have a niggle in the knee and a i think about it, its only going to get worse with every step ( so i think). by solving other problems like how to iron a wrinkle free shirt without an ironing board, or better yet, where that damn 2nd pair of sock disappeared to.

dont worry yourself about excellence just yet. just master a good techinique, and the speed will come.

just a note about your spinning session. i can see your problem right there. you're maintaining one constant pace throughout without varying your heart rate. from what im understanidng, you want to run middle distance races which require more sprint work than just beating out the km's. try changing the settings to accomodate hill climbs etc. what you just did on the bike is probably equivelant to say 8-10km run on the same pace. i dont think that's what you are looking for..or are you?
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