Originally Posted by KirStang
With respect to mental block, what do you guys do to get over it? I've heard visualizing the word "Excellence" and reaching for it....
fuck that.
Here's the thing: Running sucks. As with much in the military, you need to just embrace the suck. When I'm running I get into whatever pace I'm doing (steady or sprints) and then go daydream about other stuff. I think about the different sex positions I wanna work the woman through when I get home a million years from now or what I need to do to maximize the efficiency of my sock drawer or what type of AR I'm going to buy or how to best approach the issue of being short one vehicle and wanting a Tacoma. The stitch in my side isn't going anywhere between miles 3 and 5, nearly roll my ankle and worry about it on mile 6... but by mile 8 I'm flying on pure Full Retard juice thinking about rerigging my plate carrier and how I need a liquor cabinet in the dining room. Music helps push a lot of people. I've run a lot in shitty conditions without it and keeping your brain loaded with little tasks works well.
A mentor of mine that taught me "how to run" mentioned that you should use the time to solve a problem by examining all possibly solutions.
Get the mind moving and the ass will follow.